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Social Studies & World Language

Nathan Cooper

Director of Social Studies
Phone: 603-845-1558 ext. 5826 
Email:[email protected]

Social Studies

Social studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities.  Social Studies courses help students acquire knowledge, judgment, and skills to participate intelligently and responsibly in their role as citizens.  Social Studies is taught in all grade levels in the district.  At the high school level students are required to earn three credits in Social Studies to include Cultural Foundations, American Studies, Civics (Political Science or Law), and Economics.  Additional elective courses are taught encompassing psychology, government, and ethics.

The WSD Social Studies curriculum is aligned to the National Council for the Social Studies C3 Framework.  The curriculum is organized around five overarching dimensions: civics, economics, geography, history, and historical skills.  Each of these components is addressed at each grade level in an age appropriate manner. 

World Language

The study of a world language enables students to see the world through different perspectives and to increase their understanding of both their own culture and the world at large. It also prepares students for meaningful participation in a global society. Students are presented with grammar and vocabulary in context and are encouraged to express themselves in the target language as soon as possible. Awareness of cultural differences and similarities is also essential to a complete language education. Interdisciplinary themes allow students to use the language they acquire to learn about their world in general.  All world language curricula are aligned to the standards created by the American Association of Teachers of Foreign Language.

Windham school district offers Spanish instruction one day per week to students in grades five and six.  At the Middle School, where classes meet daily, students may elect to either continue their study of Spanish or embark on the study of French.  At the high school, Spanish, French, and Latin are offered at levels ranging from introductory (Level 1) through to AP (Level 5 for French and Spanish).  A minimum of a three-year high school sequence of one language is recommended for students seeking admission to selective colleges. A two-year sequence of study generally meets the admission requirement for less selective two and four-year colleges.

French Curriculum
Spanish Curriculum
Latin Curriculum