School Board Members
Emails to [email protected] (includes the Windham School Board, Superintendent, and Executive Assistant to the Superintendent).
Additional Support Staff
Vraj Shah - Student Representative

Sam Becht- Student Representative
Brenda Golden (2027) - School District Clerk
Elizabeth (Betty) Dunn (2027) - School Moderator
Robert Coole (2027) - Treasurer ([email protected])
School Board Sub-Committees
Building and Grounds Committee
Rob St. Laurent, Chair
Cynthia Finn**
Dr. Johny Kuttab**
Dalisa Greenleaf
Dr. Erin Hagerty
Rich Amari
Gary Carbonneau
Jerry Rufo
Jeff Hanulec
Diane Figaro (Secretary)
Policy Committee
Shannon Ulery**, Chair
Cynthia Finn**
Dr. Kori Alice Becht
Shannan McKenna
Chris Hunt
Dr. Erin Hagerty
B.J. Martin
Finance Committee
Stephanie Wimmer, Chair**
Dr. Johny Kuttab**
Carolyn Therrien
Brian Pirri
Kelly Root
Raja Khanna
Amy Denton
Dalisa Greenleaf
Beth Jenkins (Secretary)
"Paused for the FY26 Budget Season"
Athletic Facilities Committee
Stephanie Wimmer **
Dr. Johny Kuttab**
Rob St. Laurent
Kelly Fox
Robin Wilson
Jon Hall
Shannan McKenna
Jeff Hanulec
Mark Wimmer
Mike Hachey
Amy Denton
Tom Early
Dalisa Greenleaf (Ad Hoc)
Dr. Kori Alice Becht (Ad Hoc)
"Paused for Planning Purposes"
**Denotes Committee School Board Member